nutritional information - vertaling naar Engels
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nutritional information - vertaling naar Engels

Nutritional facts label; Nutrition Facts; Nutritional information; Nutritional facts; Nutrition label; Nutrition labeling; Nutrition facts; Nutrition labelling; Nutrition information; Nutrient Label; Nutrition information panel; FDA nutrition label; Nutrition Facts label; Nutrition Facts labels; Food nutrition label; Nutrition facts labelling; Nutri-Grade
  • An example of a Chinese nutrition facts label
  • The original FDA Nutrition Facts label, as of 2006
  • alt=
  • A rare example of optional nutrition facts on a label for oranges (in the EU not mandatory for unprocessed fruits)
  • A UK nutrition information label, for low-fat yoghurt. A key difference from US labelling is that it always gives values for a set quantity (100 ml or - like here - 100 g), allowing easy comparison between products. Also, fibre is not considered a type of carbohydrate.
  • A Canadian Nutrition Label displaying information in both English and French
  • FDA Commissioner Margret Hamburg speaks at a White House event regarding proposed updates to the FDA's Nutrition Facts labels for food packaging. Feb. 27, 2014
  • access-date=2013-01-26}}</ref>

nutrition information         
= información sobre nutrición
Ex: Food/Analyst is unique as a CD-ROM product being the only title that provides nutrition and dietary information.
nutritional information         
información nutricional (tabla de los elementos nutritivos de un producto alimenticio)
  • Ariège river]], France
  • A [[bonobo]] fishing for [[termite]]s with a prepared stick
  • fruit preserve]], and [[cheese]] prepared for human consumption
  • cellular metabolism]]
Nourishment; Nutritious; Outline of nutrition; Nutriton; Lists of nutrition topics; List of nutrition topics; Food and Nutrition; Nutricion; Nutriment; Nutrician; Nourishing; Nourishments; Topical outline of nutrition; List of basic nutrition topics; Nutritive; Topic outline of nutrition; Nutricious; Outline of human nutrition; Nutrition Science; Nutritional; Nutritiology; Nutritional system; Nutrition system; Nourished; Nutrition (physiological process)
(n.) = nutrición, alimentación
Ex: Find information on the effect of genetic factors on human nutrition.
* human nutrition = alimentación del ser humano, nutrición del ser humano, alimentación del hombre, nutrición del hombre
* malnutrition = malnutrición
* nutrition information = información sobre nutrición
* undernutrition = desnutrición


sust. fem.
1) Persona o efecto que se señala como garantía de un pago.
2) América. Deuda, obligación de pagar, satisfacer o reintegrar a otro una cosa, por lo común dinero.
3) Andalucía. Préstamo a elevado interés, pagadero por días con el capital.
sust. fem.
Puerto Rico. Vasija hecha de la segunda corteza del coco o de la corteza del higuero.


Nutrition facts label

The nutrition facts label (also known as the nutrition information panel, and other slight variations) is a label required on most packaged food in many countries, showing what nutrients and other ingredients (to limit and get enough of) are in the food. Labels are usually based on official nutritional rating systems. Most countries also release overall nutrition guides for general educational purposes. In some cases, the guides are based on different dietary targets for various nutrients than the labels on specific foods.

Nutrition facts labels are one of many types of food labels required by regulation or applied by manufacturers. They were first introduced in the U.S. in 1994, and in the U.K. in 1996.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor nutritional information
1. But there's also nutritional information
Partnering with Tech to Support Refugees _ David Miliband _ Talks at Google
2. They went to the nutritional information box
3. For delicious vegan recipes, nutritional information and
Mercy for Animals _ Nathan Runkle _ Talks at Google
4. heard of that basically translates the nutritional information box on the cereal and the food
The Decision Tree _ Thomas Goetz _ Talks at Google
5. New York City and Bangor, Maine; nutritional information on agave nectar; and the average
Bad Mothers _ Ayelet Waldman _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor nutritional information
1. "I spent all day online but still can‘t find any nutritional information to help him.
2. The labels can also teach nutritional information as well as persuasive advertising techniques.
3. They say McDonald‘s deceived customers about its products and failed to display nutritional information prominently enough.
4. The U.S. position is that product nutritional information is more valuable to consumers.
5. Tesco‘s Cheese Singles, from the chain‘s Healthy Living range, gives nutritional information for a single slice.